Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad soft drink / bad soda pop

I will never forget the first coca-cola my son ever got.He was 6 years old and we were on vacation in Orlando Florida.
We were sitting outside a McDonald, waiting for a taxi to get us to a Science Museum called Wonder Works (a great, cheap place to visit if ever your in Orlando)
He sipped on my coke that I had dragged outside. Honestly usually I choose orange juice (in fact McDonald diners happen like once a year), but on this particular day I just craved a coke! (hey it can happen)
So without me noticing he sipped up the entire cup ! (And we all know that McDonald sizes are just out of wack!)
The taxi took for ever , or so it seemed... Because suddenly my (usually) well behaved son was running everywhere in a parking lot.
Seriously “like if he just got really high, and was totally out of his mind!!!”
He was so fast and out of control, a car almost hit him! And I'm quite a fast reacting person!
He heard nothing I said, and I had to physically hold him tight, until that taxi finally arrived!
Then in the 20 minute taxi ride, he was jumping up and down in his seat! He's never done that on any occasion before!
I remember apologizing to the driver, and told him it was due to the first soda pop he just drank!
The taxi driver was surprised, he says his kids drink that stuff all the time !!! And he agrees they're all hyper...
He calls that normal!
I associated this behavior with the soda...
And then I actually tested my theory a week later again, before the end of my vacation.
So within about 5 minutes of soda ingestion he becomes insanely hyper (where nothing can even be said to him, because he just doesn't listen) then as the energy level rises, mother stresses, child keeps acting up and anger develops... Finally within about a half an hour the energy level drops, mother is now fully stressed and angry, and child is starting to calm down... Only to get a “downer rush” …
Where suddenly nothing pleases the child, and an all around bad attitude develops, finally a few hours later, this soda leaves the body, and lets my child come back to normal...
This had brought me to better understand the huge problem we have with all these hyperactive kids!
Even my child found the “high” too much, and since I brought it to his attention that it was the soda doing this to him, he hasn't since asked for more...
Since that day, everywhere we go, even if soda is included, he politely says :
“No thank you, I'll take some water instead”

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